There are lots of different ways to do this, but I think this sets some pretty good guidelines for the aspiring weightlifter or parent out there.
- Learn the movements at a young age, but do not specialize in them before other sports.
- Focus on a variety of exercises, strength qualities, tempos, and different ranges of motion. Work really hard, but do not compare yourself to others. People develop at MUCH different rates.
- Play other sports!
- Compete in weightlifting as well as in other sports. Weightlifters might compete 4-6 times a year, while sports like wrestling will compete 4-6 times a week and soccer once a week. Competing often will give you the experience to learn how you compete best regardless of the sport.
- Train with other people. Create or join a community of like minded people who want to get strong!
- Start specializing in weightlifting about 4-8 years into training. This should be about the time you have finished up with traditional organized sports. You can always go back to other sports. I believe other high volume sports are imperative to developing enough work capacity to actually get strong. You can’t replicate that in a gym.
- Keep a long term plan of about 8 years or more in mind.
- Use common sense
- Did I say to play other sports yet?
What do you agree with or disagree with on this list?